On all beings journey of life there will come a time in which an important decision must be made.
This is that point in time
You have reached the Crossroads of Dejection as many lost travelers do, though no man who has sought it has found it.
With 50% chance of survival the crossroads are the epitome of evil, with only the lucky or superiorly intelligent living to tell the tale...
Once there you can turn back or choose one of the three paths before you.
You look up and see the Sign of Subdual - and instantly faint.
Waking up you have forgotten the direction you came from, so turning back isn't an option. The Sign comes into focus...
You see the four names of the paths, Thade, Isedem, Afytse and Ertatre*
You suddenly feel something in your hands and scramble up to find a scroll:
On the back is a simple inscription:
Can you survive the Crossroads of Dejection?
You'll have to work out which path to take...
*I made a typo, which is why sign says something else