I went to visit a friend the other day, and was invited inside. When I entered, I spied an arrangement of various dominos, upon the table. They were not arranged, standing up, as if she had been meaning to do anything spectacular with them, but the arrangement did seem to be important to her. I inquired, of her, as to their meaning, but she simply smiled, and kept about her business. Eventually, I let it go -- but I keep finding myself drawn to the sequence, as if it means something.
Do you think you could help me figure it out?
Hints (Added as needed):
One time, upon the sea
I ordered a toody fruity
meal or three-ee
I could add another tag to this question, but it would give it away.
Something I should note. This riddle is not nearly as complex as it seems. A small group of children could possibly solve it.
The number 14 has very little to do with this puzzle despite this sentence.
My friend's first name is Ella.
For anyone still trying to figure out how everything connects together, look at this.