$3$ is possible and easy to attain; $4$ or more is not possible, so $3$ is the maximum.
With $6$ unique cards, it's possible to make ${6\choose3} = 20$ different combinations of $3$ cards. But not all of those are valid Sets.
With cards $A, B, C, D, E, F$ we can make the following combinations of three cards.
ABC & ACE & BCD & BEF \\
ABD & ACF & BCE & CDE \\
ABE & ADE & BCF & CDF \\
ABF & ADF & BDE & CEF \\
ACD & AEF & BDF & DEF \\
Since any two cards define a single, unique third card to complete a valid Set, once we pick a combination as a valid Set, all other combinations that contain any two of the cards in that Set can't be a valid Set itself.
So if $ABC$ is a valid Set, we can cross off all combinations containing either $AB$, $BC$, or $CA$.
\fbox{ABC} & \cancel{ACE} & \cancel{BCD} & BEF \\
\cancel{ABD} & \cancel{ACF} & \cancel{BCE} & CDE \\
\cancel{ABE} & ADE & \cancel{BCF} & CDF \\
\cancel{ABF} & ADF & BDE & CEF \\
\cancel{ACD} & AEF & BDF & DEF \\
Now if $DEF$ was a valid Set, those two would be the only valid Sets among those combinations, since we would need to cross off all combinations containing $DE$, $EF$, or $FD$ as invalid. But we're looking for more Sets, so $DEF$ should not be a valid Set.
Picking Sets and crossing off, we can come up with a maximum of four combinations that might be valid Sets.
\fbox{ABC} & \cancel{ACE} & \cancel{BCD} & \cancel{BEF} \\
\cancel{ABD} & \cancel{ACF} & \cancel{BCE} & \cancel{CDE} \\
\cancel{ABE} & \fbox{ADE} & \cancel{BCF} & \cancel{CDF} \\
\cancel{ABF} & \cancel{ADF} & \cancel{BDE} & \fbox{CEF} \\
\cancel{ACD} & \cancel{AEF} & \fbox{BDF} & \cancel{DEF} \\
Our candidates are $ABC, ADE, BDF, CEF$. All other possible combinations of four candidates are variants of this.
Now that we have our Set candidates, let's check if they can actually be valid Sets.
If we pick any of the four properties, it can have three possible values: $x, y, z$. It can either have the same value for all three cards, or all different values. Let's explore what that means for the other candidate Sets.
ABC & ADE & BDF & CEF \\
xxx & xxx & xxx & xxx \\
xxx & xyz & xyz & \cancel{xzz} \\
xyz & xyz & yyy & \cancel{zzy} \\
xyz & xzy & yzx & zyx \\
From this we see that the only valid Sets can occur if and only if a property has the same value on cards $A$ and $F$, on cards $B$ and $E$, and on cards $C$ and $D$. Since this has to hold for all properties, this means the cards in these pairs are the same card, so $A = F$, $B = E$, and $C = D$. But we specified we wanted unique cards, so this leaves us with an impossible solution.
Since it's relatively easy to find a solution with three valid Sets — pick three cards $A$, $B$ and $C$ that are not a Set, then for all combinations of two of those cards, add the card that makes it a Set, so you have Sets $ABD$, $BCE$ and $ACF$ — $3$ is the maximum of valid Sets for three unique cards.
$$\begin{array}{c|cccc|ccc} \text{card} & \text{number} & \text{shape} & \text{colour} & \text{fill} & \text{Set #1} & \text{Set #2} & \text{Set #3} \\
A & 1 & \text{oval} & \text{red} & \text{solid} & \checkmark & & \checkmark \\
B & 1 & \text{oval} & \text{green} & \text{striped} & \checkmark & \checkmark & \\
C & 2 & \text{oval} & \text{purple} & \text{solid} & & \checkmark & \checkmark \\
D & 1 & \text{oval} & \text{purple} & \text{open} & \checkmark & & \\
E & 3 & \text{oval} & \text{red} & \text{open} & & \checkmark & \\
F & 3 & \text{oval} & \text{green} & \text{solid} & & & \checkmark \\