Exhausted from the effort of solving Room 2, you try to get a good night's sleep, but your sleep is interrupted by vivid dreams of fblthps, numbers, and vectors. The Maze is getting to you a bit, it seems. Once you feel awake and ready, you read the note suspended, as usual, in the middle of the room.
The Third Room! Only one other person has made it this far and well...it's quite unfortunate that he had no nails left when we finally got him through the portal.
This room is easier than room 2, but the information is more hidden. In the interest of keeping our test subjects from dropping like flies, we have decided to include an example value of Key 2 and its corresponding answer. This way, if you think you have cracked the puzzle, you can replicate your steps on the example Key and see if your answer matches its. Take a look at the information below and take your best shot. Good Luck!!Key 1:
First reveal the shifted meaning, deep within Key two;
Then use the answer from before; you'll know what to do.
Then query them each yes or no by Eratosthenes;
Yes or no to zero through nine, the number that you need.Key 2: '=' 852 , '?' 1 , '_' -200 , '8' 666 , '5' 8 , '6' 7 , '7' 109
Ex. Key 2: '8' 4523 , '=' 5 , '7' 51 , '5' 3 Ex. Answer=3
Answer from Previous Room:
The keypad has only digits. You can see some fingerprints on it, but only on two keys: 0 and Enter. There are scratch marks on the wall next to it that say "OH GOD THE ITCH!!!".
This room has now been solved. The next room can be found here