On the island of Knights and Knaves, knights can only say true sentences and knaves can only say false sentences. This makes day-to-day life awful, since nobody can truly lie. Mafia games end in five seconds.
So knights and knaves instead speak with gadgets. Instead of saying statement P directly, they embed P in a formulaic sentence. The most famous gadget is
If you asked me, I would say P.
Both knights and knaves can say this, as long as P is true. Saying this "gives away" the value of P. By contrast, the gadget
P is true or I am a knight.
Can be said by knights regardless of the truth-value of P, and by Knaves only if P is false. So if you later find out that P is true, you know for sure the speaker was a knight.
The island council is looking for a gadget has all of these properties:
- Anybody can use it to say P or !P, regardless of if they are a knight or a knave (their "alignment").
- You cannot determine if P is true or false, even if you know the speaker's alignment.
- You cannot determine the speaker's alignment, even if you know the value of P.
Using the gadget should be easy to use and scalable: no asking everyone on the island to memorize a private key!