Seeing a vast repository of matchstick puzzles, Professor Moriarty determined to create one of his own. Behold, his greatest crime yet, the best and worst matches puzzle to ever grace this earth with its presence. Move as few matches as you can to make another equation that is still true. (Turning the = into ≠ is frowned upon.)
By the way, this is read as this (or if you want to be like @Someone, it can be read as something else): $$\int x \, dx = \frac{x^2}2 +C$$
Note: If you wish to move more than the minimum matchsticks, or do something cool/interesting, that may be acceptable as well.
If you want the link to the primitive Google Slideshow I used to create the graphic, you can make a copy of the slideshow and manipulate the puzzle much more easily, either for your own answer or just to mess with it in a more concrete way. The slideshow is here.