Today is July, 17th - World Emoji Day 📅 🥳
So, today is time to post a new scrambled emoji tale. 😂😂😂😂
This is the emoji tale#️3️⃣. Click here and here to see the previous two.
Since my previous emoji tales were solved too quickly 🙁, I tried to make this one much harder 😈.
There is a story 📖 that was sliced ✂️ in a number of parts, one per line 🗐. Also, some parts are there just to serve as building blocks 🧱 of other parts. And some (actually almost all) parts of this repeats several times 🔁! Further, to make this more harder there is a line that actually is part of some other very different story 👽.
Differently than the previous puzzles, I didn't just ordered the lines randomly 🔀. Now I'm ordering them in crescent order accordingly to their size in Chrome's rendered emojis on Windows 10 using SE's MathJax. THIS IS SURELY THE BEST STRING SORTING ALGORITHM EVER INVENTED! 🥰🥰🥰
So, here it is:
$$10O; \aleph$$
$$\triangle \text{ is ...}$$
$$\require{cancel}\oplus \text{ is it ...}$$
$$\otimes \text{ is when ...}$$
$$\beth = 👈\cancel{☝️}🐝🤝$$
$$\aleph = 🤏 \in A 👎💑$$
$$q(x) = as + x + as$$
$$k(z) = a(👈☝️👉❤️, 3❤️, z)$$
$$a(x, y, z) = x + z \times (y + x)$$
$$f(Something) = \bbox[blue]{Som} eth \bbox[red]{ing}$$
$$2\rlap{_{\cancel{\,\,}\,|}}👁️; 3A; \frac{5i(🏛️)}{2}; ⭐f(🤩); ☝️👉👎💑$$
$$👈☝️👉❤️\land 👈☝️👉😈; 👈☝️👉❤️; \beth$$
$$5O; \beth; \aleph; \beth; 5O; ☝️👉👎💑; \aleph; ☝️👉👎💑$$
$$f(👈☝️👉❤️\land 👈☝️👉😈; 👈☝️👉❤️); \beth$$
$$i(Some\,other\,thing) = \bbox[lime]{Some}\,other\,\bbox[red]{thing}$$
$$👈☝️👉❤️\land 👈☝️👉😈 👉 \land 👈❄️✍️A👎💑$$
$$(👈☝️👉)\times(\cancel{🤩}; 🤢; 🌎); q(📏) \oplus \triangle \cancel{💸}; k(1)$$
$$4O; 👈☝️👉❤️\land \forall 👉❤️ \triangle 😈 👉 \land 👈❄️✍️A👎💑$$
$$👈☝️👉🤪; 👈😵┃; ☝️👉 \in 👈⬜ \otimes 👈👶 \triangle 🤢; k(2)$$
$$👈☝️👉😱; 👈☝️👉 \begin{matrix} \rlap{\color{white}{D}}{🟫}\\[-3ex] ║ \end{matrix}; \to 👉RA🦹 q(📏)👉R👈; k(1) $$
$$👉🧠:👈☝️👉 \land 👉🧠:👈(NFS-FS)👉; 👈☝️👉👎👉👎💑$$
$$👈☝️👉🎭; T \rlap{👉}{\color{red}{\;\;\;◎}} \cancel{🔛} 👉✋; 👈☝️👉\frac{🧥📌}{🐂}💋\in T(🏝️-🌴); \land k(2)$$
$$👉🧠:👈☝️👉 \to 👈M \cancel{💸} \overset{♀️}{🐶}👶; \land 👉🧠:👈(NFS-FS)👉; 👈☝️👉👎👉👎💑$$
Here are the questions:
Q1. 🤓 Can you unscramble that, describe what each step means and retell the story?
Q2. 🚩 Which line is part of some other story?
Q3. $\mathfrak{T}$ What are the titles of the stories?
Q4. ✋ Which emojis are the titles?
Q5. 🔍 Can you tell who is the main character?
Q6. 🤔 Can you tell which two consecutive emojis represent that main character? 😲 Yes, two consecutive emojis, not only one, search carefully, they are right here 🔎!
H1. 👹 Beware the homophones!
H2. 🤦 A lot of people actually misunderstand about Alfred and think it is NSFW 🔞. If you see that, you got it wrong; pay attention closer!
H3. 🥇 The first person is in the left.
H4. 🍔 How and why do you call the waiter in a very noisy bar without leaving your seat?
H5. ❤️ If it is neither left nor right, it should be down.
H6. ❌ No, this has nothing to do with Disney, so the answer you look for is not an animal.
H7. 🖼️ If the emojis in your screen are borked, doubtful, glitched, and what you can see are mostly boxes (like □ or �), I took a screenshot for you.