What scientific discovery is represented by the following image?
NOTE: Some tags have been deliberately omitted since I don't wanna reveal too much 😊
This is
33-14-16-73-7-117 translates to As Si S Ta N Ts
- assistants.
??-15-92-22-99 translates to ?? P U Ti Es
- __puties, which I guessed as "deputies".
Given that this was about chemistry, and I know $\text{n}^0$ means neutrons in that context, I looked up "assistant deputy neutron" and came across something called
However, seeing that it was satire, I skipped past it.
It took me like 10 minutes before I realized that that was probably the answer, lol.
There are several sources I could find for this - this one (thanks to @Stiv) is relevant; apparently this joke was originally relevant specifically to Ireland. The relevance of the numbers here is:
If you look at the Yes/No in each row/column, then there is 1 neutron that is neither assistant nor deputy ("one neutron"), 25 assistant non-deputy, 88 deputy non-assistant, and 198 assistant + deputy neutrinos (see the website for that specific reference).