You are a spy trying to find out the job of a man named John. One day, you go up to John's friend, Joe. You tell Joe that if he doesn't tell you what John's job is, you will destroy him. Not wanting to die, Joe says "OK", but there is one rule - decode this message, and you will find his job. You are given a sheet marked 'Table' that reads the following:
[79] [D8] [1B] [3A] [22]
[P9] [22] [24] [ZP] [21]
[31] [P9] [60] [33] [1C]
[D0] [43] [43] [21] [27]
He then gives you another sheet marked 'Path', which reads as follows:
What is John's job?
Hint 1:
Uri worked out the path. I'm now going to give you a clue as to what the path means. The path actually tells you how to move about the table. So, 'l' is 'move left', 'r' is move right, 'u' move up and 'd' move down. Now you just have to decipher the table...
Hint 2:
The table is encrypted by converting letters to their respective hex code. This hex code is what a PS/2 keyboard sends to a computer. The computer then decrypts it, and turns it into a nice strong of letters. Come on, this is a BIG hint, so hopefully now someone will get it. If not, I'll be adding another hint soon!