So, is it possible to get an algorithm to construct and verify
the problem, and then find the minimum construction?
To approach the problem systematically, I have had
to ask the question in the opposite direction.
In fact, below I show an algorithm that systematically finds
solutions in that space [though it's work in progress, see below:
which is the main reason why I am posting here, not in Mathematics].
I am not and probably will not be able to go from there to closed
counting formulas, if it is possible at all, but someone else might
be able to build/improve on it.
The (opposite) question
For L,M,N,K (non-negative) integers,
with 0<=N<=M<=L and 0<=K, where:
- L is the number of book titles available;
- M is the number of books every customer buys;
- N is the number of equal book titles
every two customers buy;
- K is the number of customers served.
Given L,M,N, find max(K), i.e. the maximum
number of customers that can be served.
Preliminary inspection
A preliminary inspection reveals that
the only interesting case is 0<N<M<L.
Case 0=N=M <= L => [].
// no buying => no buys (i.e. no served)
Case 0=N < M <= L => [[1..M],[M+1..2M],...,[(k-1)M+1..kM]]
// no matches, buy some => argmax{k}(kM<=L) buys
Case 0 < N=M <= L => [[1..M],[1..M],...]
// all matches, buy some => infinitely many identical buys
Case 0 < N < M=L => [[1..M]].
// N<M matches, buy all => 1 buy
Case 0 < N < M < L => ...non-trivial...
// N<M matches, buy M<L => finitely many distinct buys
An algorithmic solution
Here is an algorithm that systematically explores the solution
space for the case 0<N<M<L: presented in a logic programming
style [i.e. the best I have been able to do for now].
Specifically, given 0<N<M<L, up to relabelling of book titles and
customers [not sure if 100% correctly], this procedure generates
in sequence all the possible customer buys filled to the maximum
number of customers that can be served for the subsequent choices
the customers make.
0. Given 0 < N < M < L:
--base 1:
1. For person k = 1:
101. Pick the buy B1 := [1,2,...,M]. (WLOG:fixed)
102. Let S := [M+1,...,L] be the remaining available titles.
--loop 1: (until it fails)
2. For each person k > 1 up to failure:
--pre 2:
201. Let [C1,...,C{k-1}] := clone([B1,...,B{k-1}]) be
the cloned previous buys, for later *marking*.
202. Let Q := [] be the books *picked* by k.
203. Let R := [] be the books *excluded* for k.
--loop 2:
21. For each Ci, with 1 <= i < k:
--pre 3:
211. Mark elements of R in Ci as excluded.
21201. Let qi := the number of books marked picked in Ci.
21202. Let si := the number of unmarked books in Ci.
2121. If qi > N: FAIL! ^^REDO^^
2122. If N-qi > si: FAIL! ^^REDO^^
213. Add N-qi unmarked books of Ci to Q. (WLOG:l2r) [CHOICE]
214. Add any remaining unmarked books of Ci to R.
--loop 3:
215. If N-qi > 0 (else do nothing):
2151. For each Ci', with i <= i' < k:
21511. Mark elements of Q in Ci' as picked.
21512. Mark elements of R in Ci' as excluded.
21513. If the number of books marked picked in Ci' is N:
215131. Add any remaining unmarked books of Ci' to R.
215132. (Mark the remaining unmarked books of Ci' as excluded.)
--post 2:
220. Let q := the number of books in Q.
221. If q > M: FAIL! ^^REDO^^
222. If q < M:
2220. Let s := the number of books in S.
2221. If M-q > s: FAIL! ^^REDO^^
2222. Move M-q books from S to Q. (WLOG:l2r) [CHOICE]
223. If B{k-1} > Q: FAIL! (WLOG:asc) ^^REDO^^
224. Pick the buy Bk := Q.
--end 1: (loop 1 has failed)
3. YIELD [B1,...,B{k-1}].
Some results
An implementation in SWI-Prolog under GPLv3+ is
available on my Gist.
Here are some results (slightly reformatted by hand for readability):
e.g. for M=4, N=2, a minimum of L=20 available book titles is needed
for K=9 people to get served:
[Ideally the procedure should generate solutions in reverse order of
length, but that does not work yet: e.g. try pairwise_tt(5, 3, 2)
So, these results are more illustrative than anything else...]
?- pairwise_t(20, _, 4, 2, [f]).
(5,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4]] (1)
(6,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[3,4,5,6]] (3)
(7,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,3,5,7],
[1,4,6,7],[2,3,6,7],[2,4,5,7],[3,4,5,6]] (7)
(8,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],
[1,3,5,7],[1,3,6,8],[1,4,5,8],[1,4,6,7]] (7)
(9,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],
[1,3,5,7],[1,3,6,8],[1,4,5,8],[1,4,6,7]] (7)
(10,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],[1,2,9,10]] (4)
(11,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],[1,2,9,10]] (4)
(12,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],[1,2,9,10],[1,2,11,12]] (5)
(13,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],[1,2,9,10],[1,2,11,12]] (5)
(14,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],
[1,2,9,10],[1,2,11,12],[1,2,13,14]] (6)
(15,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],
[1,2,9,10],[1,2,11,12],[1,2,13,14]] (6)
(16,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],
[1,2,9,10],[1,2,11,12],[1,2,13,14],[1,2,15,16]] (7)
(17,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],
[1,2,9,10],[1,2,11,12],[1,2,13,14],[1,2,15,16]] (7)
(18,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],[1,2,9,10],
[1,2,11,12],[1,2,13,14],[1,2,15,16],[1,2,17,18]] (8)
(19,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],[1,2,9,10],
[1,2,11,12],[1,2,13,14],[1,2,15,16],[1,2,17,18]] (8)
(20,4,2) => [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5,6],[1,2,7,8],[1,2,9,10],
[1,2,11,12],[1,2,13,14],[1,2,15,16],[1,2,17,18],[1,2,19,20]] (9)