Move $1$ match and make this correct.
Rules: (added 8/23/2018 based on clarifications in comments)
- You can't break the match.
- You can't make an inequality sign, just change numbers and/or operators.
Move $1$ match and make this correct.
Rules: (added 8/23/2018 based on clarifications in comments)
Super easy:
37 - 32 = 5 | 5
the | is bitwise OR operator
moving the vertical match from the plus sign to the middle of the 55
37 - 32 = (5 | 5)
, but I cannot help seeing it as (37 - 32 = 5) | 5
, but maybe because that is because I am used to a programming language with a particular convention for operator precedence. I like the interpretation that 5 | 5
means 5
divides 5
(evenly), better.
Aug 18, 2018 at 10:52
has higher precedence than =
Aug 18, 2018 at 21:57
, so it looks perfectly natural from another fellow programmer :)
Aug 18, 2018 at 22:15
A little of a stretch but
$87 - 32 = 55$
moving the upright + matchstick to the left of the 3 in 37
Aug 21, 2018 at 13:01
Technically, you could change this to
$37 - 32 \neq 55$
moving the cross stick in the plus sign to go diagonally across the equals sign.
Just to prove that this is impossible (without some creativity), I wrote a python script to solve these:
subs = {'1':[],'2':[],'3':[],'4':[],'5':[],'6':['5'],'7':['1'],'8':['6','9','0'],'9':['3','5'],'0':[],'+':['-'],'-':[],'=':['-']}
adds = {'1':['7'],'2':[],'3':['9'],'4':[],'5':['6','9'],'6':['8'],'7':[],'8':[],'9':['8'],'0':['8'],'+':[],'-':['+'],'=':[]}
noop = {'1':[],'2':['3'],'3':['2','5'],'4':[],'5':['3'],'6':['9','0'],'7':[],'8':[],'9':['6','0'],'0':['9','6'],'+':['='],'-':[],'=':['+']}
ts = list("37+32=55")
alt_strings = []
for i, c in enumerate(ts):
for new_char in noop[c]:
for sub_c in subs[c]:
for i2, c2 in enumerate(ts):
for add_c in adds[c2]:
s = [x for x in ts]
s[i] = sub_c
s[i2] = add_c
alt_strings = [''.join(x) for x in alt_strings]
print alt_strings
for alt_string in alt_strings:
split_strings = alt_string.split('=')
if len(split_strings) != 2:
left = eval(split_strings[0])
right = eval(split_strings[1])
if left == right:
print alt_string
The possible combinations I got were:
['27+32=55', '57+32=55', '91+32=55', '31+92=55', '31+32=65', '31+32=95', '31+32=56', '31+32=59', '37=32=55', '97-32=55', '37-92=55', '37-32=65', '37-32=95', '37-32=56', '37-32=59', '37+22=55', '37+52=55', '37+33=55', '37+32+55', '97+32-55', '37+92-55', '37+32-65', '37+32-95', '37+32-56', '37+32-59', '37+32=35', '37+32=53']
And there were no matches (hehe).
There you go,
just change the equals sign to a more than sign!
You take the
vertical match from the plus sign
use it to burn the first five in 55
to make
37 - 32 = 5
If only the first 5 would be a 6. That would help a lot. Please ask your sister for the solution and double check if it's actually possible. Because I have a hunch that this puzzle is impossible.
I saw this in "hot network questions" and tried to solve it on paper before I clicked to avoid getting spoiled. So I scribbled down the equation. When I couldn't find a way to solve it, I finally opened the question and saw, that my 7 had one less matchstick (the very left one). So I wondered about the display of numbers we don't get to see. Would a 9 without an underscore be legal for example? It clearly would be a distinct nine, wheter the bottom stick is there or not. You wouldn't return your 80's alarm clock because of such a nine, anyway.
Along this line of thinking I came up with this solution:
37 + 32 = 69 by taking the bottom matchstick from the second five to make the first five a six. Granted, the resulting nine is somewhat weird, but you clearly would not assume another number instead of it. Maybe for arguments sake just now, but not if some hot girl wrote the nines of her phone number in that way. That would probably just be a-okay for you. So just give me the correct flag now. Thanks.
Ok here is one I don't think has appeared yet:
$37-32=1^5 5$
Take the vertical stick in the $+$ turning it into a $-$ and put left-below the first $5$ to get $_15\,5$. Interpret this as $1^55=5$.
Outside the box solution!
Remove the match on the + to make it a -, then eat it. Then crop the picture so that it cuts out the last 5. 37 - 32 = 5, only one match (and the frame of the picture) has moved.
Take a match from the equal sign and put it anywhere else where it creates a number. For example: 37 + 92 - 55. It's neither true nor false and it's left to the reader to calculate!
Aug 20, 2018 at 12:29
The extra match on the 7 seems suspicious, so I assume the solution is:
Removing the extra match from 7, breaking it in half and making it 69 in the other end:
Even better:
If you can split the match vertically :)
How about a hexadecimal answer?
17 + 3e = 55
Of course, it makes a weird looking one...
_ _ _ _ _ _ || | _|_ _||_| -- |_ |_ _| | | _||_ -- _| _|
, but $(+1)$ anyway :)
My contribution to the answer pile:
Take the upper left match on the 7 so that it's still a 7. Put the match on top of the equals sign, so that it and the upper part of the equals sign form an angle. Like this:
The result looks a bit sloppy, but it can be read as
$37+32 \geq 55$
The inequality is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.
My answer, similar to @alto's, is a little bit more elegant.
Take the leftmost downstroke from the 7 and place it at an angle above and and touching the top bar of the = sign to form 'a greater-than-or-equal' (or less-than-or-equal") sign.
BTW, this brute force & ignorance approach (in Python 3.x.) shows that it is not possible without modifying the + or = chararacter:
''' Dictionary of all possible "matchstick' substitutions. Note that
some "matchstick" characters can be transformed into variants of
themselves by adding or removing one stroke/matchstick, e.g. 7 (by removal of
leftmost downstroke); 6 and 9 (by adding a horizontal top/bottom stroke).
SubstitutionList = {
'+':['+','-'',='], '-':['+','-'',='], '=':['+','-'',='],
'1':['1'], '2':['2','3','6'], '3':['2','3',5','9'],
'4':['4','9'], '5':['3','5','6','9'], '6':['6','9','0'],
'7':['4','7','9'], '8':['8'], '9':['9','6','0'],
''' Only these values are needed (after allowing for character variations) '''
SubstitutionList = { '2':['2','3','6'], '3':['2','3','5','9'],
'5':['3','5','6','9'], '7':['4','7','9'],
'+':['+','-','='], '-':['+','-','='],
'=':['+','-','='] }
TestEquation = '37+32=55'
PossibleSolutions = [] # None yet
''' For clarity the code that extracts values from "TestEquation" has been omitted '''
for I in SubstitutionList.get( '3' ) :
for J in SubstitutionList.get( '7' ) :
for K in SubstitutionList.get( "+" ) :
for L in SubstitutionList.get( "3" ) :
for M in SubstitutionList.get( "2" ) :
for N in SubstitutionList.get( "=" ) :
for O in SubstitutionList.get( "5" ) :
for P in SubstitutionList.get( "5" ) :
Equation = I+J+K+L+M+N+O+P # concatinate the letters into a string
FirstNumber = int( Equation[ : 2 ] )
SecondNumber = int( Equation[ 3 : 5 ] )
ThirdNumber = int( Equation[ 6 : ] )
if ( (Equation[2] == '=' ) and (Equation[5] == '+' ) ) :
if ( FirstNumber == (SecondNumber + ThirdNumber) ) :
PossibleSolutions += [ Equation ]
elif ( (Equation[2] == '=' ) and (Equation[5] == '-' ) ) :
if ( FirstNumber == (SecondNumber - ThirdNumber) ) :
PossibleSolutions += [ Equation ]
elif ( (Equation[2] == '+' ) and (Equation[5] == '=' ) ) :
if ( (FirstNumber + SecondNumber) == ThirdNumber ) :
PossibleSolutions += [ Equation ]
elif ( (Equation[2] == '-' ) and (Equation[5] == '=' ) ) :
if ( (FirstNumber - SecondNumber) == ThirdNumber ) :
PossibleSolutions += [ Equation ]
OneCharacterMoves = [] # match changed position inside one character, e.g. change "3' to '2', "6" to "9" etc.
TwoCharacterMoves = [] # match moved from one character to another
for ValidEquation in PossibleSolutions : # valid solutions change one or two characters
DifferenceCount = 0
for i, _ in enumerate( ValidEquation ) :
if ValidEquation[ i ] != TestEquation[ i ] :
DifferenceCount += 1
if ( DifferenceCount == 1 ) :
OneCharacterMoves += [ ValidEquation ]
elif ( DifferenceCount == 2 ) :
TwoCharacterMoves += [ ValidEquation ]
print( 'Original : ', TestEquation )
print( 'Involving One Character: ', OneCharacterMoves )
print( 'Involving Two Characters: ', TwoCharacterMoves )
The program produces :
Original : 37+32=55
Involving One Character: []
Involving Two Characters: ['27+32=59', '37+22=59', '37+32=69']
Inspecting the values shows that none of them can be produced by moving one matchstick.
Here's a boolean logic solution:
Take one of the $=$ matches, break it in half, and put it on the right side of the remaining = match to make a right facing arrow $\rightarrow$. Then, the LHS is $69$, interpreted as a boolean is True, and the RHS is $55$, interpreted as a boolean is True. Then, the statment True $\rightarrow$ True is True. Thus, the statement becomes True.
I think the following is technically a solution to the problem:
Make use of the fact that those are not arbitrary sticks, but matches. So, take the vertical match from the plus (making it a minus), move it quickly over the side of the match box (so it starts burning), and then move it in turn to all the matches making up the left digits (so they all catch fire and burn away, without moving). Then put that match anywhere out of the way to finish its burning without affecting the rest of the matches.
The remaining matches form the equation 7-2=5.
Along the lines of El-Guest and Alto:
37 + 3P = 55 where P = 6.
I know that's not the answer, however; from my testing I have found that the only (to my knowledge) possible (true) combinations are:
37 + 22 = 59, 27 + 32 = 59, 57 - 22 = 35, 97 - 32 = 65, 34 + 22 = 56
But all of those require more than one match. I'll keep at it, if I solve it I'll update. All in all, I have found 210
total numeric combinations. None of which are achieved with a single move. I have written a loop in C#
that goes through multiple arrays of all possible number combinations to confirm this. I may be missing something, but mathematically; this seems quite impossible, aside from the Cheater-Pants, you can't do that solutions that El-Guest and several others (including myself) have posed.
Also, not sure as to why I got a down vote as my answer evaluates true, and can be achieved with a single match:
37 + 3P = 55 evaluates true when P = 6; this breaks down to 37 + 18 = 55.
If you down vote, please explain why the down vote is justified.
The solution appears after [re]moving a match:
37 - 32 = 5 a clue is that in second
match heads are aligned so that they burn each other properly until5
is fully burnt, so perhaps we are supposed to ignite it with the match we took away.
By moving one match to
turn the second 5 into 3 and then interpreting the suspicious "extra" match in 7 as 1
we get
Here is a solution exploiting that the algebraic operations are not specified in the question.
Take the vertical part of the plus sign and place it horizontally above the equality sign to obtain 37 "minus" 32 "is defined as" 55.
It gives a negative value but I would like to share it anyways:
37-92 = 55
Just remove the vertical match from the "+" sign and add onto 32, now it is 92.
Move the lower match of the plus and the top match moves too! Make $37\times32=1184=550\times2+84$, and the picture has been (unfairly in my opinion) cropped so that you can't see the last bit!
To combine user477343's comment with CR241's answer,
Remove the vertical match from the +, break it in half, put one half on the upper left of the first 3 to make it a 9, and the other half in front of the first 5 as a minus sign.
I know the way I constructed this pattern doesn't match the original picture, but I'm sure I nailed the right pattern.
The equation is actually
$$3^1 7 + 32 = 55$$
$$3^1 \times 7 + 32 = 53$$ ...just turn the $55$ into a $53$ by moving one match.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't notice that Kamil posted the same answer earlier.
Remove the lower right matchstick to give 3 to the power of pi. Break the stick a bit and the extra matchstick on the equals to give an approximately equals symbol.
I can only think of
$ 37 - 32 ≡ 55 \pmod{5}$
I have
moved the vertical bar of the $+$ sign moved to the $=$ sign to get a triple bar symbol. This turns the expression into a modular arithmetic expression.