A Fountain of Colors
A rock overlooks as my garden unfurls.
His pebble admires as the nice sky, it swirls.
The odd-looking pink one is chipper today.
The lily exposes when Chopin I play.
There's one that is orange (or copper) in hue.
The yellow one listens intently to you.
The Kraspedia's distant, does it make a sound?
The blue one is wilted; another's turned brown.
So the question is: What's so special about my garden?
EDIT: fixed typos: "at" in the second line to "as," as intended, and uncapitalized "Lily," to avoid confusion. (the capitalization was not a hint!)
EDIT 2: After a little research, I added two tags lateral-thinking and trivia.
EDIT 3: Another tag added, chiseling down the trivia tag: movies.
Notice the six colors used (including lily), maybe this particular combination will seem familiar.