The answer is:
Key Phrase = Htwwjhy, tf l ahhq, rzwedl ydebr
Apply Rot 21 = Correct, oa g vccl, murzyg tyzwm
Apply Vigenere Decrypt with Key "Orange" = Loelaoc, on a roll, zonlhg gsviv
Apply Atbash (Atbash of holy = slob) = Olvozlx, lm z iloo, almost there
Apply Vigenere Decrypt with Key "Apple" = Plain text
Output = "well done. you found the message. now you need to find the answer. it's the third fruit."
I solved this with brute force on all fruits and rot values. The puzzle was updated after solve with a key phrase that would indicate to the solver that they were on the correct track.