I have applied for leave to my Boss during the Christmas season. You see, we don't have natural holidays during this time.
This Sunday, When I was sipping my coffee in, I received an E-mail from my Boss. I am going to show you the body of the e-mail in it.
Dear Sid,
I have heard that you like puzzles very much. I have always been fascinated by those stuffs. So, in reply to your request, I have sent you some cryptic clues to solve so that which would give you my reply to your request. Here are the clues:
play doctor says “Ask me Anything”. (5) (3)
A serious tomb (4) (5)
Braveness displayed by opener very much (2) (5)
Participate with some entertainers (5) (2)
A labyrinth for a surprise (5) (5)
Walks anxiously to muddled unoccupied area (5)
A throne bizarrely made for someone else (7) (3)
Redesign Rail for dark place. (4) (1)The extra numerations are part of it.
I was pleasantly surprised by my Boss's e-mail. I thought that he seems to be in a good mood and would have accepted my request.
Can you find out, My Boss's message to me?
P.S. Deusovi certified cryptic clues