Three fours, five operations, score 1.0413
$$ \sqrt[4!]{4!}+\sqrt{4} \approx 3.141586 $$
Also five operations but too cute not to include, score 0.7539:
$$ \sqrt[4]{44\sqrt{\sqrt{4!}}} \approx 3.141423 $$
Four operations, score 0.7059:
$$ \sqrt4^\sqrt{\log_4{44}} \approx 3.143093 $$
The best three-operation expression has already been posted in another answer.
For completeness sake, two, score 0.4245:
$$ \left\lceil \log_4{44} \right\rceil = 3.0 $$
and one, score 0.3852:
$$ \log_4{44} \approx 2.729716. $$
This doesn’t seem to be the type of question that calls for spoiler hiding, correct me if I’m wrong.