This will be a little bit handwavy, but here goesEdited to make the first part more rigorous (and correct the value of x thanks to @mdc32).
This will be a little bit handwavy, but here goes.
x is 4950, ie just less than 50% of the games can be nonsensical.
First we must show Halfbrain's first theorem for x + 1.
If more thanSuppose at least 50% of the games are nonsensical, then we. We can partition the points table somewhere such that contestantsinto an upper and lower part, with m players in the top part and n in the bottom part, and no overlap in scores between the parts. Otherwise all players must have a lower averagethe same score than contestantsand there are no nonsensical games.
There are $m(m-1)/2$ intra-group games in the top part, and $n(n-1)/2$ in the bottom part. There are $mn$ intergroup games. Suppose at least $mn/2$ of them are nonsensical. Then the average score for the top part is at most $(m-1)/2 + n/2$, and that'sthe average score for the bottom part is at least $(n-1)/2 + m/2$. That means the bottom part has an average score at least as good as the top part. So some players from the bottom part must have scores at least as good as the top part, which is a contradiction. You can't
If 50% of the games are nonsensical, and the intergroup games cannot be 50% nonsensical, then the intragroup games must be at least 50% nonsensical for at least one of the parts. We take that part, and recursively repeat the division process. Eventually we must reach a group containing 2 or 3 players, which cannot have any nonsensical games but must have at least 50% nonsensical games. So that's a consistent points table where higher contestants are statistically likely to lose to lower contestantscontradiction as well.
We conclude that the number of nonsensical games must be less than 50%.
Next we must show Halfbrain's second theorem for x + 1.
Step 1: