1a. [bumbu Jepang -> MISO] + [jual murah -> OBRAL] minus [pakaian dalam -> BRA]; Misool is one of the Raja Anpat islands.
5a. [alam baka -> AKHIRAT] minus [di dalam Bahasa Inggris -> AT, perhaps because "at" is anone English translation of "di dalam"?];"di"]; def is "ujung".
8a. [janji -> IKRAT] minus [Amien Rais -> AR]; def is "sudah kubilang kan, disingkat di Inggris" -> "I know, right?" -> IKR.
10a. [ketika -> TEMPO] with [donat -> O] replaced by [nilai terendah -> E, lowest grade in exams]; def is "makanan dari kedelai".
11a. [salah satu jajanan tradisional -> LEMPER] minus [pegas -> PER]; def is "pelengket".
12a. Double def, or maybe single cryptic def.
13a. [permaianan kata Bahasa Inggris -> PUN]; def is "demikian".
15a. [sedia -> SIAP] before [nilai tertinggi -> A, highest grade in exams]; def is "seseorang". Not sure what's up with "belum"seseorang yang belum tentu", which seems to reverse the meaning in a way that isn't called for; probably this just indicates that I don't understand the language.
18a. [noda hitam -> TOMPEL] minus TOM; def is "kain pembersih".
19a. [dengki -> SIRIK] in reverse; def is "sebanga pohon kaku".
20a. Double def; "warna nila" is the colour, "memiliki kemapuan supranatural" is a reference to the New Age-y concept of "indigo child".
1d. [marah -> MURKA] minus [kereta api -> KA; I think this is a standard Indonesian abbreviation]. I confess I don't know why pelat logamabbreviation]; def is "pelat logam"; OP clarifies that a mur is a nut (lit. "metal plates"as in "nuts and bolts"); I'm still a little puzzled how "metal plate" clues that, but no matter :-> MUR (which I think means wall).
2d. [lingkungan kehidupan -> EKOSISTEM] minus [metode -> SISTEM], reversed. Def is "setuju".
3d. [pacuan -> BALAP] minus [plat nomor Sumatera Barat -> BA]; def is "penggosok".
4d. [Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris: bibir -> LIP]< = PIL. Def is "tablet".
6d. KETIAK*; def is "Saat".
7d. METEOR*; def is "pengendali jarak jauh".
9d. [hewan gurun -> UNTA] anagrammed to ANTU inside [karta keluagra -> KK, standard Indonesian abbreviation]; def is "menguap" or maybe "[yang] membuat menguap". This uses an indirect anagram, which is a bit naughty.
10d. [saat -> ERA] inside [Taman Safari Indonesia -> TSI, which I assume is an obvious thing to abbreviate by its initials]; def is "bumbu sambal".
14d. Double def; NIL is both nothing (kosong) and the river Nile (salah satu nama sungai).
16d. Def[celah seperti pada pintu -> KISI] without its head; def is "inti"; wordplay remains a mystery"inti".
17d. First part of clue means "doctoral study abroad"; second half has initials PHD. (I didn't see anything actually indicating that initials should be taken, thoughApparently this is a standard abbreviation in Indonesia.)
18d. [tidak setuju-> PROTES] minus [ujian -> TES]; def is "setuju".
For many of these there are more verbose, but also more disorganized, explanations in the chatroom linked above. (In particular, there are lots of Bahasa Indonesia -> English translations there.)
Thanks to athin for clarifying in comments some bits of wordplay that we missed.