I think you may be a
Usually, I'm seen at a mass movement,
generally - is usually, with rally being a mass movement.
Or alongside some cutting bloke.
Gene Hackman - the American who won a best actor Oscar for The French Connection.
A keen eye can be rude about me.
sageness - being wise and sass is cheek.
My sister was there when God spoke.
Genesis - "Let there be light"
Many would say I'm a sequence,
gene - a sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA located on a chromosome.
Passed between fixed amounts of me.
generations - implying passed between,gene rations are fixed(fixed amounts) are passed between generations.
First thought: meme - an idea passed between people is a cultural analogue to a gene.
The French say I go in Switzerland.
Geneva - with va (go in French) gives the Swiss city.
In some fish, I show enormity.
hugeness - the huss is a dogfish.
Title: Producing My Position
Producing is generating, and rating is a position on a scale.