1. stop (+deter = protested, + mien = nepotism)
2. noon (+stop = pontoons, + gild = noodling (based on hint from OP. I originally discounted this one because I couldn't find an answer for 3.))
3. emit ???
(I don't know why I didn't get this one; +noon=noontime, +naps=timespan, + trap=parttime (neither timespan nor parttime were in my dictionary)) I then worked backwards a bit from 8 to get to 4
8. stir (+stop=protists, + said=diarists, +forte=retrofits)
7. lace (+stir=recitals, +rots=sectoral) (it could have been "at" or "lace", but lace worked better at 6)
6. sips (+mace=escapism,+lace=specials)
5. deed (+sips=despised,+name=demeaned (tricky one))
4. trap (+lane=parental,+deed=departed)
14. tide (+seen=neediest,+slam=medalist)
9. seats (+edit=stateside,+tide=steadiest)
13. sear (+tide=readiest,+lung=granules,+tapes=separates,+grab=barrages)
12. ruse (+sear=erasures) (I reject tide since it's already at 14)
11. seam (+tide=mediates, +ruse=measures,+sort=maestros)
10. rut (+seats=statures, +seam=matures) (could also have been tang (magnates,stagnates))
15. roam (+tide=mediator, +lain=manorial)
16. need (+roam=demeanor) (there were several possibilities here so I needed to explore a bit to find a reasonable bridge to "taro")
17. deep (+need=deepened, +taro=operated)
18. ??? A guess would be decor (+tale=relocated, +deep=proceeded, +evince=reconceived, +sure=resourced (my dictionary had neither "reconceived" nor "resourced" so I found these by mixing the two words in all possible ways and scanning the list!))
Finally, I take two small words and take the intersection of the small words in the set. I don't know if this is cheating, but the computer is definitely better at finding intersections of two sets than I am.
I also wrote a short script to mix two words together to scan for ones that might not be in my dictionary!