You finally meet your brother at the father's house. Suddenly you see your father inside. "Why, I only left for an hour to buy myself a laptop, and you consider me missing and take all my belongings!" When he gets to know you've solved his crossword he says "It's a good thing I made another". You take a look at the new one.
?. This is a fancy way of cursing (4)
?. This one expresses happiness (2)
?. Oh, that's a long number. And if you read it backwards, it would be even longer. (2)
?. This is something wet, but in the Internet, it meant something else... (4)
With all your effort, you manage to solve the crossword! (-10) Now you can freely go home to your families and live your happy lives!!! rolling credits here, gold collected 8/8 quests completed 18/18 father proud 1/1 all that stuff