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Turn the viewpoint $90^\circ$, and place anotherthe second match horizontally above it, one above the other, and aplace the third match standing on its end above this one.
This gives the Mayan symbol for 11.
For 1:
Turn the viewpoint $90^\circ$, and place another match horizontally above it, one above the other, and a third standing on its end.
This gives the Mayan symbol for 11.
For 1:
Turn the viewpoint $90^\circ$, place the second match horizontally above it, and place the third match standing on its end above this one.
This gives the Mayan symbol for 11.
Turn the viewpoint $90^\circ$, and place another match horizontally above it, one above the other, and a third standing on its end.
This gives the Mayan symbol for 11.
For 1:
Turn the viewpoint $90^\circ$, and place another match horizontally above it, one above the other, and a third standing on its end.
This gives the Mayan symbol for 11.
For 1:
Turn the viewpoint $90^\circ$, and place another match horizontally above it, one above the other, and a third standing on its end.
This gives the Mayan symbol for 11.