All his replies are
reworded film quotes
In particular:
HIM: Are you conversing with my person ?HIM: Are you conversing with my person ?
You talkin' to me? (Taxi Driver)
HIM: To my horror, I shall not authorize you to pursue in this course of action.HIM: To my horror, I shall not authorize you to pursue in this course of action.
I'm afraid I can't let you[let you] do that. (2001 A Space Odyssey)
HIM: You willEdit: I have to acquirelooked this one up now, because it didn't quite match. There's "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.", and a larger vessellittle later "I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.". Neither matches exactly.
HIM: You will have to acquire a larger vessel.
You're gonna need a bigger boat. (Jaws)
HIM: Our dear language, oedipian fellow, are you able to converse in it?HIM: Our dear language, oedipian fellow, are you able to converse in it?
English mofo, do you speak it? (Pulp Fiction)
HIM: I reckon this is quite a large heap of excrement.HIM: I reckon this is quite a large heap of excrement.
That is one big pile of sh*t! (Jurassic Park, Thanks ManyPinkHats)
HIM: I witness individuals no longer breathing.HIM: I witness individuals no longer breathing.
I see dead people. (The Sixth Sense)
HIM: Please greet my short acquaintance.HIM: Please greet my short acquaintance.
Say hello to my little friend! (Scarface)
HIM: I will bestow the man a proposal he won't be able to decline.HIM: I will bestow the man a proposal he won't be able to decline.
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. (The Godfather)
HIM: You are unable to withstand the veracity.HIM: You are unable to withstand the veracity.
You can't handle the truth! (A Few Good Men)
HIM: I relish the perfume of burning phosphorus at dawn.HIM: I relish the perfume of burning phosphorus at dawn.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. (Apocalypse Now)
HIM: I shall wish the Strength to go along your person.HIM: I shall wish the Strength to go along your person.
May the Force be with you. (Star Wars)
HIM: I shall return promptly.HIM: I shall return promptly.
I'll be back. (The Terminator)