Partial answer:
The first word is
we take the first two letters from money, the given l and the two-letter abbreviation for lightyear. Lightyear, because lightspeed is usually denoted as $c$. And $c$ times $365$ days is the length that light travels in a year.
Ideas about the last line:
As already pointed out by others >! the first three letters are dis.
Furthermore, we have the OP's third hint that
the word ends in y, but not in gry.
So I did
a search through the english dictionary for the RegExp
and found 35 results. Unfortunately none of them rung a bell.
Not being a native speaker this is not surprising, but I'd like to share some ideas that weren't mentioned yet. The $\int C$ could be
read as
and then associated with one of the words from the dictionary.
- "integral sea [salt]"
- "integral sea[t]" (and then substract the t from the final word)