##Rebus solutions
Rebus solutions
Top "row"
rehydrated (re-high-DRATED), drawing a blank (accidentally found by Rubio), downhearted
Middle "row"
lactate (words with "TATE" removed), brandishes (found by Techidiot, with help from Rubio), land down under
Bottom "row"
black sheep (found by Rubio), subindex (sub in decks), windows
We can arrange the pieces into a 3×3 grid so that each pair of adjacent words has a three-letter string in common.
(I've cleared up ambiguities by putting the missing number in the top left, and using the next step to disambiguate between the remaining two possibilities.)
Now we look at the numbers in the corners:
In the middle, diamonds are formed with the triangles in each corner of the original tiles. Reading across the middles, we see the numbers03 09 / 18 03 // 21 09 / 20 19
, which can be decoded with A1Z26 to get CIRCUITS.
##Final Rebus
Final Rebus
So we have the word "circuits", written inside diamond-shaped sections. Grandma must've wanted diamond rings!