UpdateNew update:
The latest hint suggests to use alphametics to solve the puzzle. Since we're given the clue 3+4+5=6, we probably have to sum, the words found in the corresponding grids.
This means:
WHERE+IS+THE=TRUTH, which has the following solution: 69404 + 81 + 794 = 70279. So the value we place on truth is 70279.
Previous update: (going in the wrong direction)
Apparently this is not yet the solution to the puzzle, nor is the number 5 or 6 (the rotation used for the last (truth-)grid/the number found written in the last grid).
I'm not sure whether the hint 3+4+5=6 still needs to be used at this point..
Another way to go could be to start looking for the truth, since that's what the previous part actually suggests. Obviously the word truth was found in the fourth and last grid, which also has the word "six" in it, but we already discarded that possibility. Maybe we should go by the saying "the truth lies somewhere in the middle", leading us to the centre part of the grids/crossword, but that's just guessing and it has no logical basis.
The latest hint seems to suggest looking at the crossings of the crossword puzzle, which would be the letters H R T D O E A D I Y, but that doesn't really help either. Maybe we should focus just on the only real crossroads, the one where 3d and 6a cross around the letter O, but I have no idea what to do with that..
N.B., something that does add up nicely:N.B., something that does add up nicely: