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I think you are...

A light bulb


I am a source of great ideas

When the light bulb comes on (over one's head)

But I am also a source of great tragedy

When the bulb burns out bad things can happen

Witches always find it funny to curse me

I'm lost on this one unless maybe witch/light bulb jokes

Creeps and thieves never seem to like my presence

Obviously they like the cover of darkness

But only if others are around with me

Christmas tree lights mean Christmas presents to steal? (Would go with the previous clue.)

Most important of all, I am the mirror of a question

Think mirror image of a question mark.

I think you are...

A light bulb


I am a source of great ideas

When the light bulb comes on (over one's head)

But I am also a source of great tragedy

When the bulb burns out bad things can happen

Witches always find it funny to curse me

I'm lost on this one

Creeps and thieves never seem to like my presence

Obviously they like the cover of darkness

But only if others are around with me

Christmas tree lights mean Christmas presents to steal? (Would go with the previous clue.)

Most important of all, I am the mirror of a question

Think mirror image of a question mark.

I think you are...

A light bulb


I am a source of great ideas

When the light bulb comes on (over one's head)

But I am also a source of great tragedy

When the bulb burns out bad things can happen

Witches always find it funny to curse me

I'm lost on this one unless maybe witch/light bulb jokes

Creeps and thieves never seem to like my presence

Obviously they like the cover of darkness

But only if others are around with me

Christmas tree lights mean Christmas presents to steal? (Would go with the previous clue.)

Most important of all, I am the mirror of a question

Think mirror image of a question mark.

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I think you are...

A light bulb


I am a source of great ideas

When the light bulb comes on (over one's head)

But I am also a source of great tragedy

When the bulb burns out bad things can happen

Witches always find it funny to curse me

I'm lost on this one

Creeps and thieves never seem to like my presence

Obviously they like the cover of darkness

But only if others are around with me

Christmas tree lights mean Christmas presents to steal? (Would go with the previous clue.)

Most important of all, I am the mirror of a question

Think mirror image of a question mark.