The answer is :
If we have to choose a number from natural numbers, then :
- Any number we choose say $x \gt 39$; if it$x$ is a multiple of 10$10$, then it's$x$ also a multiple of 5$5$. So as per rule no. $1$, it$x$ should be in the range $[1,19]$. So $x$ cannot be greater than $39$.
- But then, the only multiple of 10$10$ (and 5$5$) in the range as per rule 1$1$, it$x$ should be 10. Then as per rule $2$, since $10$ is not a multiple of 8$8$, it$x$ has to be in the range $[20,29]$. Thus, it causes a contradiction!
- And if we choose a number (this time $y$) which is not a multiple of 10$10$, then it has to be in the range $[30,39]$. (holding onto this branch for further possibilities...)
- Also, a point to note that if we do the same for rule $2$, i.e. choose a number $x$, which is not a multiple of $8$, then we need to make sure that it's$x$ is a multiple of $10$ (by rule $3$). But by rule $1$, it's another contradiction.!!
We need a number $y$, which is in range $[30,39]$, a multiple of 8 and not a multiple of 5 or 10. So, $\{30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39\}$ we cancel :
30 , 35, and the only acceptable number(multiple of $8$) left is $32$.