First leg of the journey:
- Load 1000,
- Drop 4 bananas every mile for 200 miles, feeding the camel from own supply.
- The route is primed for 4 passes of the camel:
- return
- take another 1000 bananas
- return
- take remaining 1000 bananas.
Second leg, starting with mile 200:
- load 1000
- drop 1 banana a mile away, then 2 bananas every next mile for another 333 miles, for 534 miles total.
- return
- pick 1000 bananas
- on the first mile eat a banana from own supply, then continue using the ones left.
- arrive at 534th mile with 999 bananas.
Third leg of the journey:
- loadFeed the camel the last banana on the ground, then starting with 535th mile, keep using bananas from your supply of 999.
- use up 466465 bananas from own supply for the remaining 466465 miles.
You're left with 999-466465 = 533534 bananas.