I need 5 weighings, and I don't need the spare coin, thank you very much.
Where appropriate I'll assume that the scale will tip to one side and not the
other, but because of simmetry it will be an equivalent reasoning for the
other side. I will signal those places with (X)
Weighing #1
40 coins on one plate, 40 coins on the other.
If it balances go to #E-2, if not go to #D-2
Weighing #E-2
We know that the fake is in the remaining 40 coins or does not exist.
Of the 40 candidates, put 14 on one plate, 13 on the other plus 1 of the known good ones. Leave 13 out.
If it balances go to #EE-3, if not go to #ED-3
Weighing #EE-3
The fake one if present is in the 13 untouched coins.
We put 5 on one plate, 4 on the other plus 1 known good. Leave 4 out.
If it balances go to #EEE-4. If not there are 5 of one weight and 4 of the
other. Go to #EED-4.
Weighing #EEE-4
The fake, if present is in the untouched 4 coins.
We put 2 on one plate, 1 on the other plus 1 known good. Leave 1 out.
If it balances go to #EEEE-5, if not go to #EEED-5.
Weighing #EEEE-5
The fake, if present is in the last untouched coin.
We put that single coin on one plate, a known good on the other.
If it balances no fake, if not, that one is the fake.
Weighing #EEED-5
Assume the scale will go to the left (X). Then the fake one is either one of
the 2 left, heavier, or the other one, lighter.
We put 1 heavier coin on one plate, the other heavier coin on the other plate.
If it balances the fake is the lighter one. If not, the fake is the one
that goes down.
Weighing #EED-4
5 coins are of one weight, 4 of the other. Assume that the 5 are heavier
We put 2 heavier and 2 lighter on the left plate, 1 heavier, 1 ligther and 2
knwon ones on the other. Leave 2 heavier and 1 lighter out.
If it balances the fake is one of the 2 heavier and 1 lighter left out. If it
goes to the right, the fake has changed plate, so is one of the
2 lighter plus 1 heavier that moved. If it goes to the left, the fake did not
move, so it is one of the 2 heavier plust 1 lighter that did not move.
Go to #EEDD-5.
Weighing #EEDD-5
There are 2 candidates of one weight and 1 of the other. Assume that the 2 are
heavier (X).
Put 1 of the heavier one plate and the other in the other plate.
If they balance, the fake one is the other one. If not, the fake is the one
that goes down.
Weighing #ED-3
14 coins are of one weight, 13 of the other. Assume that the 14 are heavier
Put 5 heavier plus 5 lighter on the left plate, 4 heavier plus 4 lighter plus 2
known good on the other. Leave 5 heavier and 4 lighter out.
If they balance the fake is in the left out, and there are 5 heavier and 4
lighter. Go to #EDD-4. If it goes to the left, the fake is in one that did not
move, that is one of the 5 heavier plus 4 lighter. If it goes to the right,
the fake is in one that moved, that is one of the 5 lighter plust 4 heavier.
Go to #EED-4
Weighing #D-2
40 coins are of one weight, 40 of the other.
Put 13 heavier plus 13 lighter plus one known good on the left plate,
14 lighter plus 13 heavier on the right plate. Leave 14 heavier and 13 lighter out.
If it balances then the fake one is in the left out, 14 heavier and 13
lighter. If it goes to the left, the fake was unmoved, so it is one of the 13
heavier plus 14 lighter. If it goes to the right, tha fake was moved, so it is
one of the 13 lighter plus 13 heavier.
(The 13+13 may be consideded a subcase of 14+13).
Go to #ED-3
And that's it!!! I think that I covered all cases, if not, let me know and
I'll review.