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(who knows why?) fix some $ <--> &dollar;
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                       J has $2
                         /  \
                        /    \
                       /      \
$2 J's model of K has $1      $2 J's model of K has $4
                      \         /\
                       \       /  \
                        \     /    \
      $2 J's model of    \   /      \
   $1/$4 K's model of J has $2      $2 J's model of $4 K's model of J has $8
                          /\         /\
                         /  \       /  \
                        /    \     /    \
                       /      \   /      \
  ... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                     \         /\          /\            $8 J's model of
                      \       /  \        /  \              K has $16
                       \     /    \      /    \
                        \   /      \    /      \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8     $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                       /\            /\           /\           $8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \         /  \         $16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \       /    \            J has $32
                    /      \      /      \     /      \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $4 K's
             \            /\            /\               model of &dollar;8 J's
              \          /  \          /  \              model of &dollar;16 K's
               \        /    \        /    \             model of &dollar;32 J's
                \      /      \      /      \            model of K has &dollar;64
                 \    /        \    /        \            and won't swap
                  \  /          \  /          \
... of K's model of J has $2$4 K's
                 \            /\            /\               model of $8 J's
                  \          /  \          /  \              model of $16 K's
                   \        /    \        /    \             model of $32 J's
                    \      /      \      /      \            model of K has $64
                     \    /        \    /        \            and won't swap
                      \  /          \  /          \
... of K's model of J has $8    $2$2    ..J has $8 J's model of $1/$4$2 J's model of $1/$4 K's model of
                       /\            /\            /\         $2/$8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \          /  \       $4/$16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \        /    \      $8/$32 J's model of
                    /      \      /      \      /      \        $16 K's model of
                   /        \    /        \    /        \           J has $32
                  /          \  /          \  /          \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's
                    \         /\            /\               model of $2/$8 J's
                     \       /  \          /  \              model of $4/$16 K's
                                                             model of $8/$32 J's
                       \   /      \      /      \            model of $16 K's
                                                             model of $32 J's
                                    \  /          \          model of K has $64
                                                              and won't swap
                       J has $2
                         /  \
                        /    \
                       /      \
$2 J's model of K has $1      $2 J's model of K has $4
                      \         /\
                       \       /  \
                        \     /    \
      $2 J's model of    \   /      \
   $1/$4 K's model of J has $2      $2 J's model of $4 K's model of J has $8
                          /\         /\
                         /  \       /  \
                        /    \     /    \
                       /      \   /      \
  ... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                     \         /\          /\            $8 J's model of
                      \       /  \        /  \              K has $16
                       \     /    \      /    \
                        \   /      \    /      \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8     $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                       /\            /\           /\           $8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \         /  \         $16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \       /    \            J has $32
                    /      \      /      \     /      \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $4 K's
             \            /\            /\               model of &dollar;8 J's
              \          /  \          /  \              model of &dollar;16 K's
               \        /    \        /    \             model of &dollar;32 J's
                \      /      \      /      \            model of K has &dollar;64
                 \    /        \    /        \            and won't swap
                  \  /          \  /          \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's model of
                       /\            /\            /\         $2/$8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \          /  \       $4/$16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \        /    \      $8/$32 J's model of
                    /      \      /      \      /      \        $16 K's model of
                   /        \    /        \    /        \           J has $32
                  /          \  /          \  /          \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's
                    \         /\            /\               model of $2/$8 J's
                     \       /  \          /  \              model of $4/$16 K's
                                                             model of $8/$32 J's
                       \   /      \      /      \            model of $16 K's
                                                             model of $32 J's
                                    \  /          \          model of K has $64
                                                              and won't swap
                       J has $2
                         /  \
                        /    \
                       /      \
$2 J's model of K has $1      $2 J's model of K has $4
                      \         /\
                       \       /  \
                        \     /    \
      $2 J's model of    \   /      \
   $1/$4 K's model of J has $2      $2 J's model of $4 K's model of J has $8
                          /\         /\
                         /  \       /  \
                        /    \     /    \
                       /      \   /      \
  ... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                     \         /\          /\            $8 J's model of
                      \       /  \        /  \              K has $16
                       \     /    \      /    \
                        \   /      \    /      \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8     $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                       /\            /\           /\           $8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \         /  \         $16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \       /    \            J has $32
                    /      \      /      \     /      \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $4 K's
                 \            /\            /\               model of $8 J's
                  \          /  \          /  \              model of $16 K's
                   \        /    \        /    \             model of $32 J's
                    \      /      \      /      \            model of K has $64
                     \    /        \    /        \            and won't swap
                      \  /          \  /          \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's model of
                       /\            /\            /\         $2/$8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \          /  \       $4/$16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \        /    \      $8/$32 J's model of
                    /      \      /      \      /      \        $16 K's model of
                   /        \    /        \    /        \           J has $32
                  /          \  /          \  /          \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's
                    \         /\            /\               model of $2/$8 J's
                     \       /  \          /  \              model of $4/$16 K's
                                                             model of $8/$32 J's
                       \   /      \      /      \            model of $16 K's
                                                             model of $32 J's
                                    \  /          \          model of K has $64
                                                              and won't swap
Post Undeleted by humn
recursive explanation
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Revised to include a recursive path to a perspective of the result from a situation that did not occur.

. . . both Jack (J) and Kirby (K) aren’t perfect logicians and both had suboptimal strategies. 
  As such, . . . .

. . . both were destined to offer a swap with those \$ amounts and, further, both correctly calculated their probabilisticprobabilistically expected gains, . . . 

. . . which is explained wellclear in Bubbler’s solutionexplanation.

Scenario:   J and K are wellmutually-known perfect logicians

The followingA reduced example demonstrates how this would play out with 10 twinned envelopes that allow for clean calculations.

Each player’s model of the other player includes uncertainty that recursively bubbles all the way through to the two possibilities that K has \$32 or \$64 and wouldn’t offer to swap. Had both players assumed that each other would see how that works, those two possibilities would have influenced the possibility that did occur.

Suppose J has the minimal \$2 and considers two models of K, one model where K has \$1 and the other where K has \$4. J muses that the possible K who has \$4 would also consider two models of a possible J where J has either \$2 or \$8.   Carrying this out produces a fractal-like recursive root system of models that overlaps itself to form an endless lattice whose right edge terminates at one of two models of a possible K who has either \$32 or \$64 and will not offer to swap.

                       J has $2
                         /  \
                        /    \
                       /      \
$2 J's model of K has $1      $2 J's model of K has $4
                      \         /\
                       \       /  \
                        \     /    \
      $2 J's model of    \   /      \
   $1/$4 K's model of J has $2      $2 J's model of $4 K's model of J has $8
                          /\         /\
                         /  \       /  \
                        /    \     /    \
                       /      \   /      \
  ... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                     \         /\          /\            $8 J's model of
                      \       /  \        /  \              K has $16
                       \     /    \      /    \
                        \   /      \    /      \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8     $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                       /\            /\           /\           $8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \         /  \         $16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \       /    \            J has $32
                    /      \      /      \     /      \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $4 K's
             \            /\            /\               model of &dollar;8 J's
              \          /  \          /  \              model of &dollar;16 K's
               \        /    \        /    \             model of &dollar;32 J's
                \      /      \      /      \            model of K has &dollar;64
                 \    /        \    /        \            and won't swap
                  \  /          \  /          \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's model of
                       /\            /\            /\         $2/$8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \          /  \       $4/$16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \        /    \      $8/$32 J's model of
                    /      \      /      \      /      \        $16 K's model of
                   /        \    /        \    /        \           J has $32
                  /          \  /          \  /          \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's
                    \         /\            /\               model of $2/$8 J's
                     \       /  \          /  \              model of $4/$16 K's
                                                             model of $8/$32 J's
                       \   /      \      /      \            model of $16 K's
                                                             model of $32 J's
                                    \  /          \          model of K has $64
                                                              and won't swap

In the first rightmost branch J's model of \$4 K's model of \$8 J's model of \$16 K's model of \$32 J's model of K has \$64 and certainly won't swap. This lattice of a tree includes half of all possibilities for the \$ amount that J might have while all terminal branches have K not swapping for the same reason.

The other half of all possible J amounts are included in a similar lattice spreading from a supposed J having \$4, where all terminal branches consider a model of K who has \$32 and also wouldn’t swap. Thus J has no reason to offer a swap.

The reverse reasoning from here was presented in this answer’s original posting and admittedly parallels Florian F’s previously-posted reasoning).

Here are the probabilistic gains and losses from each player’s perspective if the players swap at every time exceptchance other when K has \$32 or \$64.

Notice how the rowsThe rows for J’s \$16 and \$32 and the rows for K’s \$32 and \$64 reflect K’s not offering a swap at \$32 or \$64.

. . . both Jack (J) and Kirby (K) aren’t perfect logicians and both had suboptimal strategies.   As such, . . . .

. . . both were destined to offer a swap with those \$ amounts and, further, both correctly calculated their probabilistic expected gains, . . . 

. . . which is explained well in Bubbler’s solution.

Scenario:   J and K are well-known perfect logicians

The following reduced example demonstrates how this would play out with 10 twinned envelopes that allow for clean calculations.

Here are the probabilistic gains and losses from each player’s perspective if the players swap every time except when K has \$32 or \$64.

Notice how the rows for J’s \$16 and \$32 and the rows for K’s \$32 and \$64 reflect K’s not offering a swap at \$32 or \$64.

Revised to include a recursive path to a perspective of the result from a situation that did not occur.

. . . both Jack (J) and Kirby (K) aren’t perfect logicians and both had suboptimal strategies. 
  As such, . . . .

. . . both were destined to offer a swap with those \$ amounts and, further, both correctly calculated their probabilistically expected gains, . . . 

. . . which is clear in Bubbler’s explanation.

Scenario:   J and K are mutually-known perfect logicians

A reduced example demonstrates how this would play out with 10 twinned envelopes that allow for clean calculations.

Each player’s model of the other player includes uncertainty that recursively bubbles all the way through to the two possibilities that K has \$32 or \$64 and wouldn’t offer to swap. Had both players assumed that each other would see how that works, those two possibilities would have influenced the possibility that did occur.

Suppose J has the minimal \$2 and considers two models of K, one model where K has \$1 and the other where K has \$4. J muses that the possible K who has \$4 would also consider two models of a possible J where J has either \$2 or \$8.   Carrying this out produces a fractal-like recursive root system of models that overlaps itself to form an endless lattice whose right edge terminates at one of two models of a possible K who has either \$32 or \$64 and will not offer to swap.

                       J has $2
                         /  \
                        /    \
                       /      \
$2 J's model of K has $1      $2 J's model of K has $4
                      \         /\
                       \       /  \
                        \     /    \
      $2 J's model of    \   /      \
   $1/$4 K's model of J has $2      $2 J's model of $4 K's model of J has $8
                          /\         /\
                         /  \       /  \
                        /    \     /    \
                       /      \   /      \
  ... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                     \         /\          /\            $8 J's model of
                      \       /  \        /  \              K has $16
                       \     /    \      /    \
                        \   /      \    /      \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8     $2 J's model of $4 K's model of
                       /\            /\           /\           $8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \         /  \         $16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \       /    \            J has $32
                    /      \      /      \     /      \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $4 K's
             \            /\            /\               model of &dollar;8 J's
              \          /  \          /  \              model of &dollar;16 K's
               \        /    \        /    \             model of &dollar;32 J's
                \      /      \      /      \            model of K has &dollar;64
                 \    /        \    /        \            and won't swap
                  \  /          \  /          \
... of K's model of J has $2    ..J has $8    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's model of
                       /\            /\            /\         $2/$8 J's model of
                      /  \          /  \          /  \       $4/$16 K's model of
                     /    \        /    \        /    \      $8/$32 J's model of
                    /      \      /      \      /      \        $16 K's model of
                   /        \    /        \    /        \           J has $32
                  /          \  /          \  /          \
... model of K has $1    ..K has $4    ..K has $16    $2 J's model of $1/$4 K's
                    \         /\            /\               model of $2/$8 J's
                     \       /  \          /  \              model of $4/$16 K's
                                                             model of $8/$32 J's
                       \   /      \      /      \            model of $16 K's
                                                             model of $32 J's
                                    \  /          \          model of K has $64
                                                              and won't swap

In the first rightmost branch J's model of \$4 K's model of \$8 J's model of \$16 K's model of \$32 J's model of K has \$64 and certainly won't swap. This lattice of a tree includes half of all possibilities for the \$ amount that J might have while all terminal branches have K not swapping for the same reason.

The other half of all possible J amounts are included in a similar lattice spreading from a supposed J having \$4, where all terminal branches consider a model of K who has \$32 and also wouldn’t swap. Thus J has no reason to offer a swap.

The reverse reasoning from here was presented in this answer’s original posting and admittedly parallels Florian F’s previously-posted reasoning).

Here are probabilistic gains and losses from each player’s perspective if the players swap at every chance other when K has \$32 or \$64.

The rows for J’s \$16 and \$32 and the rows for K’s \$32 and \$64 reflect K’s not offering a swap at \$32 or \$64.

Post Deleted by humn
remove misrepresentation of Jack's initial solitaire game
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. . . both Jack (J) and Kirby (K) aren’t perfect logicians and both had suboptimal strategies.   As such, . . . .

As such,. . . both were destined to offer a swap with those \$ amounts and, further, both correctly calculated both had exactly thetheir probabilistic expectations ofexpected gains they calculated, . . . 

. . . which is explained well in Bubbler’s solution.

The game would have a different outcome, however, if both players were perfect logicians and knew that about each other.   First, though, J’s initial solitaire game and the bonus two-person game are crucially different.

  • The solitaire game has no known \$ limits, so any amount in either envelope could conceivably be doubled or halved by swapping.

  • The two-person game’s lower and upper \$ limits mean that reward envelope amounts of \$1 and \$2 can only be doubled by swapping while reward amounts of \$1,048,576 and \$2,097,152 can only be halved.

. . . both Jack (J) and Kirby (K) aren’t perfect logicians and both had suboptimal strategies.

As such, both were destined to offer a swap with those \$ amounts and, further, both had exactly the probabilistic expectations of gains they calculated.

The game would have a different outcome, however, if both players were perfect logicians and knew that about each other.   First, though, J’s initial solitaire game and the bonus two-person game are crucially different.

  • The solitaire game has no known \$ limits, so any amount in either envelope could conceivably be doubled or halved by swapping.

  • The two-person game’s lower and upper \$ limits mean that reward envelope amounts of \$1 and \$2 can only be doubled by swapping while reward amounts of \$1,048,576 and \$2,097,152 can only be halved.

. . . both Jack (J) and Kirby (K) aren’t perfect logicians and both had suboptimal strategies.   As such, . . . .

. . . both were destined to offer a swap with those \$ amounts and, further, both correctly calculated their probabilistic expected gains, . . . 

. . . which is explained well in Bubbler’s solution.

The game would have a different outcome, however, if both players were perfect logicians and knew that about each other.

opportunistic touchup while at top of active list
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