Not a full answer, but maybe it will help you get closer:
Assuming these are let frequencies:
the distribution is quite flat. It's surprising (to me) that a text with only 102 letters contain all letters except q and w. The Scrabble letter distribution suggests that j, y, c, x and z are quite uncommon I'm swedish words
the letter w is not part of the list
do the letters
d, e, l, n, t, z
mean anything to you? It doesn't match any swedish dictionary words
Could it be two lists with "tags"? Both lists are multiple of both 2 and 3, so maybe a list with:
Possibly with numbers behind (fa 8342). Then you might have used this to figure out which elements were missing in one list. De lt and nz (or dt, le, nz or ...) were missing in the first list.