If one is the answer then one of theThe dots ismove in fact moving an anticlockwise square like motion starting from a, direction until they hit a side of the square or another dot. The direction the dots are moving rotates anticlockwise each step. The top dot onin the first square collides withbegins by moving left, eventually hitting the corner with aleft wall. The direction it moves rotates anticlockwise from left to right to makedown for the secondnext square going in a straight line, thenand it moves down tountil it hits the bottom leftside of the square. Finally, then rightthe direction it moves rotates from down to right, and the bottomdot moves right to makeuntil it hits the lastright side of the square. The initial direction for the other two belowdots is right. They both move right until they hit the first dot inright side of the first square moves. Then for the second square, their direction rotates anticlockwise from right to collide onup. They move up and the walltop dot hits the top side of the second square then, while the bottom dot runs into the dot above it. Finally, the direction they move rotates from up to makeleft, and the third thendots move left to makeuntil they hit the lastleft side of the square.
I had a hard time understanding your answer at first and thought this might be a bit more clear. I also added a picture.