Proof: Let's start filling the top-left corner of the MUB with a SUD = 2. The only two first possibilities of starting are those:
Proof: Let's start filling the top-left corner of a MUB with one dimension sized 3. The two first possibilities are those:
╔═══╦═ ╔═╦═╦═
╠═══╣ ... ║ ║ ║ ...
╠═══╣ ╠═╩═╣
╚═══╩═ ╚═══╩═
Considering lemma 4, this can't be a MUB.
Let us try this other configurationsProof: Let's start filling the top-left corner of a MUB with one dimension sized 3. The only possibilities are those:
╔═╦═══╦═══╔═══╦═ ╔═╦═╦═ ╔═╦═╦═╦═══╔═══╦═
║ ╠═══╣╔═╦═══╦═══ ╔═══╦═══╦═
╠═══╣ ... -> ║ ║ ║ ... ╠═╦═╣ ... ║ ╠═══╣ ... ╠═╦═╩═╦═╝ ...
╠═╩═╦═╩═╗╠═══╣ ╠═╩═╣ ╠═╩═╬═╩═╗ ║ ║ ║ ╠═╩═╦═╩═╗ ║ ╠═══╣
╚═══╩═══╩═╚═══╩═ ╚═══╩═ ╚═╩═╩═ ╚═══╩═══╩═ ╚═╩═══╩═══
And, byConsidering lemma 4, this is not a MUB either$A$, $B$ and $C$ aren't MUBs. Having the vertically-oriented domino in the bottom two rows is justIn $D$ and $E$, with a reflection of it in the top twosingle rotation, sowe will also violate that lemma. So, this is no way unsolvable.
In fact, lemmas 6, 7 and 8 are here just for the show for it being easier to understand what is going on. We could just proceed from lemma 4 directly to this lemma directly instead.