
Thanksgiving done and Christmas around the corner. Both mom and dad were whispering in the hallways glancing over their shoulders to ensure no one was listening. I knew they were planning something special again this year. I just had to be patient.

A day later I found my first clue! I knew it! I knew something special was coming for Christmas this year!

On the fridge was a note, and it simply said:

Add together this simple song: La La La

Add together this silly giggle: He He He

The number of Superman's Folly

Now, take your first answer and subtract the second. Finally, add the third.

On the bottom of the note was some really small text. It read:

Once you figure out your number, come see me for your next clue.

I took the note and back to my room. I sat on my bed pondering. What did this mean? I knew she wouldn't use something past my twelfth grade knowledge, so I thought harder.

As I sat there, I looked around my room and saw it on my wall. The light bulb turned on and I knew what I had to do. I scribbled down some notes on a piece of paper and looked at my answer. Confident I was on the right track, I found my mom.

She looked and grinned and handed me a piece of paper. It read:

Just know that I'm divisible by three

Make my answer a triplet

When you figure me out you will know where to go

I took my answer and of course I divided it by three. I did the next part of the puzzle and stared.

Would she have used the same logic as before? Or, was this different? I took a wild guess and saw my answer. I smiled and knew what I had to do.

I hopped in my car and dashed to the mall. I ran down the escalator and near a crowd. I could hear my answer echoing in the air and I looked down the way I saw my dad sitting there with a grin on his face and eyes glinting with jolly.

I waited in line and as I approached he smiled. I felt silly going up, but I did anyway. He then began to hand me a piece of paper. Another clue!

It said:

Mom's first clue have 3 questions. Each question had a number for the answer.

First number: Subtract 144

Second number: Divide by 2

Third number: Subtract 4

I looked at the results and knew what I needed to do. I pulled out my phone and looked them up (I mean, I can't know everything right?). I saw the 3 answers and looked at him quizzically. It just didn't make any sense.

He then said, "Put them together and say it out loud"

As I did this the word formed as I said it. As I did, he handed me a piece of paper with a big number on it! I couldn't believe my eyes. I put it all together and realized what it was for. I started to cry. I gave him a hug and just smiled.

Thanks Dad.

You're welcome son. Make me proud.

What was my gift?


I purposely left a tag out as it would make it too easy. Once the answer has been posted, I will add the tag.


1 Answer 1



College. Well, a check for college really.

Fridge Note:

These are elements on the periodic table. Thus:
1. La La La = 171
2. He He He = 6
3. Krypton is element 36
4. Now, take your first answer and subtract the second. Finally, add the third = 171 - 6 + 36 = 201

Second Note:

Just know that I'm divisible by three
Make my answer a triplet
When you figure me out you will know where to go
201 / 3 = 67. 67 is Ho on the periodic table, thus ho ho ho. That's why he went to the mall to see his dad as Santa Claus.

Third Note:

Mom's first clue have 3 questions. Each question had a number for the answer.
First number: Subtract 144 = 171 - 144 = 27
Second number: Divide by 2
= 6 / 2 = 3
Third number: Subtract 4
= 36 - 4 = 32
These are: Co Li Ge
Said Allowed: College. Basically, they just paid for his college! What a Christmas!!

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Nice! I was inspired to make this as I told my daughter I would pay for her first semester of college :) $\endgroup$ Nov 20, 2018 at 17:35
  • $\begingroup$ That's awesome @CodeLikeBeaker! :D $\endgroup$
    – Dorrulf
    Nov 20, 2018 at 17:36

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