
enter image description hereenter image description here
enter image description hereenter image description here


The final solution will be an image you know well


3 Answers 3


continuing where rand al'thor stopped.

we now got the mail with our code
05,12 08,11 10,09 12,19 14,19 16,09 18,11 19,12 21,12
05,10 07,10 09,06 10,07 12,17 13,16 16,07 17,06 21,10

05N7g, is again an imgur picture
which is the same as before but without the letters
marking the coordinates in this pattern
connecting them and cutting them out
enter image description here
It's our icon
enter image description here

Think grid points, not squares, and connect them:

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ >! the black lines sadly cover the colors beneath $\endgroup$ May 5, 2017 at 10:53
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ To put a spoiler in a comment, write something like [hover for spoiler](http://stackexchange.com "text inside spoiler"), like this: hover for spoiler $\endgroup$
    – ais523
    May 5, 2017 at 11:55
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ This doesn't work for mobile. $\endgroup$ May 5, 2017 at 13:33
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ How do you explain the title? $\endgroup$
    – Mordechai
    May 5, 2017 at 15:12
  • $\begingroup$ @ais523 no you use rot13 $\endgroup$
    – bleh
    Jun 3, 2017 at 22:43

The puzzle consists of four images, each of which is a reddish square with five characters in it. Using those five-character strings as Imgur codes, we get the following four new images:

First Second
Third Fourth

Putting them all together yields a single image:

Whole grid

This gives the following instruction:


I sent an email to the address mentioned in the OP's profile ([email protected]), and got an auto-generated reply which contained the following text in various formats:


05,12 08,11 10,09 12,19 14,19 16,09 18,11 19,12 21,12
05,10 07,10 09,06 10,07 12,17 13,16 16,07 17,06 21,10

The first five characters are yet another Imgur code, yielding the same combined image grid as above except without the letters:


So I'm guessing the numbers can be interpreted as positions on this grid, in order to yield colours which can be put together for the final solution.



Following @rand-al'thor's answer

When you email the OP's email address from his SE profile with question ID (51547) as subject, you receive an automated reply:

05,12 08,11 10,09 12,19 14,19 16,09 18,11 19,12 21,12 05,10 07,10 09,06 10,07 12,17 13,16 16,07 17,06 21,10


The two lines of numbers looked like x,y coordinates to me.

This gives us something like this:

enter image description here

Which looks like a space invader to me :)

enter image description here


Placing the coordinate-generated image on the image with colors we get:

enter image description here
enter image description here

Ignoring the black border.

It covers 4 colored tiles in both cases:
RRGR or RGRR (top to bottom, left to right)

  • $\begingroup$ The first few alphanumeric is this $\endgroup$
    – Techidiot
    May 5, 2017 at 9:49

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